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The Onion and You

Have you ever thought about the many layers of protection that you have built up over the years?


We all have them in varying degrees.


You know that coat of armor you put on to keep you safe from being hurt.


But what if I told you that peeling back some of those layers would actually lead to newfound growth and strength?


I know it might feel scary to let go of this protection that you think keeps you feeling safe.



But the fact is these layers are preventing you from the relationships and life you desire.



Think of it like an onion.



Each layer of the onion represents a layer of protection you have built up.



But as you peel back each one, you're getting closer to the sweet and juicy center of the onion.



That's what peeling back your protective layers can do for you.


It can help you get to the true essence of who you truly are.



When you get to the truth of who you are you connect with others and the world in a way that feels real, meaningful and rich.



I know it can be hard to let go of your protective layers. They've been there for a reason, after all.



But I also know you just might find that you are braver and stronger than you think.



You will become more fully engaged with life.



Your relationships will be more meaningful.



You will feel lighter and freer!



You will meet life with curiosity.



Wouldn’t that be wonderful?



So, how about it?



Are you ready to let go of your protective layers?



Ready for the opportunities and possibilities that await?



What is one small step you could take to start peeling off the layers?



If you would like to chat about your concerns and issues,  what it would be like to work with me, I invite you to schedule a complimentary 60-minute Exploration Call.



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