Whose Life?
Do you feel you’re just going through the motions, like you’re living someone else’s life instead of your own?
I sure have, and it’s not a fun place to be.
You see, when you get caught up in defining yourself only by your roles, you start to lose sight of who you truly are.
It’s like you’re wearing masks — Boss, employee, parent, peace maker, or whatever roles you have — and you no longer remember what’s underneath.
For example:
Imagine you’re at a party where everyone is wearing fancy costumes.
As you look around all you see are the costumes.
But the reality is that underneath, there are real people with stories, dreams, and quirks.
It’s the same with your roles.
They’re like costumes you wear in the grand play of your life.
But they’re not the whole story.
When you only see yourself through the lens of your roles, you end up forgetting about the other parts of yourself.
Those parts that make you unique, the parts that make you human.
Take me, for example. I used to think that being a counselor was the only thing that was important.
My entire identity was wrapped up in my title.
But the truth is, I’m so much more than that. I love to dance, explore different ethnic foods and cultures, snow skiing, storytelling, and more.
But for a long time, I forgot about those parts of myself. I was so busy trying to be the perfect counselor that I lost sight of the imperfect, messy, beautiful person underneath.
To be honest it’s exhausting trying to live up to that ideal version of yourself.
It’s like trying to juggle a dozen balls at once and never dropping a single one.
And guess what: it’s impossible!
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can ditch those masks and stop pretending to be someone you’re not.
You have permission to decide you want to take the masks off, stop pretending and show the world the real you—the messy, imperfect, beautifully human you.
Here is a step you can take to get started:
What parts of yourself are you forgetting about?
Think about What brings you joy? What is one thing you love doing?
What did you rediscover?